— About me

Who's Rosie?

About me

It was during a dog walk, that a chance conversation with a new friend  introduced me to something called EFT.  I had never heard of it before, but my friend, an accredited master EFT practitioner, believed that tapping could help address health issues that had been plaguing me for several years.  I found the whole idea pretty strange, but a few sessions later I could feel myself healing and transforming from the inside out.  The process changed me and as I progressed, the way I viewed my life and the world around me also started to shift – for the better. 


My background was in education and fostering.  Nothing at all to do with EFT.  I graduated from Lancaster University with a degree in Drama and then went onto achieve a Post-graduate Certificate in Secondary Education from Cambridge University in 2001.  Following that, I enjoyed a 10 year long  teaching career and shared my passion for Drama and performance with teenagers.  My love of working with teens progressed into a full time fostering role and I spent the next  16 years fostering hard to place adolescents.  Life seemed to be ticking along nicely, when out of nowhere, a very unexpected and acrimonious divorce completely knocked me, my confidence and my sense of self.  Out of nowhere, old, unhealed heartache from childhood suddenly emerged and caught me off guard.   Things that had never concerned me when life was ‘good’, suddenly started bothering me and it culminated in me experiencing diminished health; most noticeably, fatigue.  It made no sense.  How could a bubbly, vibrant, live-wire like me feel exhausted all the time?  This was not who I was.  Despite a healthy diet and endless doctor’s appointments, I just wasn’t bouncing back.  Until I experienced EFT.  I didn’t just get back to my old shelf, I re-emerged with a resilience, peace and joyfulness that  I had never experienced before.  My results from tapping were so undeniable that I knew I had to learn more about this modality and share it with others. 


When life does a 180 degree turnaround it’s supposed to feel scary.  Or so I thought.  I left my comfort zone behind and never looked back.  The pursuit of  training to become a Clinical EFT practitioner not only meant a change in career, but called for a complete lifestyle overhaul and even  an extreme house down-size!  Looking back, I realise the chance conversation with my new friend was a divine appointment.  Little did I know at the time, that it would shift the entire trajectory and focus of my life.  I now spend my days enjoying a much more simplified, but enriched lifestyle; tapping with clients from around the world, volunteering at two local church youth groups and walking my dogs in the foothills of the West Pennines.  What I’ve learnt on my journey so far is that when you are transformed by the renewing of your mind, your world transforms with you – for the better.

I am a qualified EFT Practioner

You can find out more about me and EFT International here

Choose to be happy!

Contact me and make the first steps to a better quality of life.

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